Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rockette Trail Mix

Nutrition and excercise are very important, especially when your a dancer. I was looking on the Rockettes' website hen I found a bunch of articles on nutrition and health. This was probably my favorite. It's a recipe for trail mix! It's deliscous and healthy, and Rockettes approved, so I thought I would share it with you.

Roasted Nuts
Walnuts: Omega 3-Reduce cancer and diabetes risks , stress
Cashews: Antioxidants, -Promotes skin, joint and heart health
Almonds: Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron -Reduces risk of heart disease

Dried Fruit
Banana Chips: Potassium, Vitamin B6, Magnesium
-Promotes a healthy immune system, heart health and relaxed muscles
Apple: Antioxidants, Dietary Fiber
-Reduces Cholesterol
Mango:  Vitamins A, C, E
-Promotes brain and digestive health
Apricot: Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A and C, Iron
-Promotes lower blood pressure
Cherry: Antioxidant Super-fruit
-Reduces risk of heart disease and muscle soreness
Raisin: Fiber, Fat Free and Cholesterol Free 
-Reduces cancer risk and promotes heart healty
Blueberry: Antioxidant Super-fruit, Vitamins A, E, B
-Promotes eye, brain and heart health

Dark Chocolate Chips with at least 70% cocoa: Antioxidants
-Reduces blood pressure and stroke risk and promotes brain health